New California legislation now requires you to maintain an up-to-date and accurate database of your HOA members electronic communications contact information and preferences. That is a mouthful.
But it doesn’t have to be a problem.
Many associations have tip-toed around this aspect of their membership database. Many have opted to use a word processing or spreadsheet method of keeping this information. There is a better way.
Our Homeowner ELectives Manager is a simple application that any member can use to submit their electronic communications preferences. As the administrator, you can sort your members who want email vs those who want traditional mailings. You will can export your lists and merge them into the email program of your choice. Or you can merge them into the word processor to print your labels.
It is an easy, effective and inexpensive solution that will keep your association compliant and competitive.
Let’s talk about getting your membership info steered in the right direction with HELM.