We are excited to announce that the FireSmart Service in beta release. We are continuing to meet with community leaders, county and national leaders and, most importantly, homeowners to make improvements.

FireSmart helps FireWise USA Homeowners and Leaders collect and mange their Community data. It creates a living set of documents around Community fire hardening activities and Homeowner fire preparedness that is based on the NFPA / FireWise USA standards.

For more information contact : mark at biminicorp dot com.

We have been in conversation with the NFPA, the national organization for fire safety standards and the body that recognizes FireWise USA communities. We are encouraged with their feedback and will continue to work with them to make our FireSmart CC tool compatible with their safety standards.

Our too does not replace the FireWise USA reporting portal or connect to their database at this time. We will continue to explore possible integrations and monitor the NFPA required documents.